
image of the treatment
Surgery time:
30 min
Hospital (stay):
1 day
Healing period:
3-6 month
General anaesthesia
What is abdominoplasty and when it is necessary?

After pregnancy or losing much body weight (staying on the diets or after a stomach reduction surgery) often the excess of abdominal skin can develop, the outstretched abdominal muscles result in weakened abdominal wall. As a result a bulging tummy occurs which is difficult to reduce despite of physical exercises or healthy nutrition. 

Abdominal plastic surgery also known as abdominoplasty is a surgery aiming to create a flat abdomen and to emphasize a waist. This a surgery to correct am excessive skin, lipid tissue and looseness of the abdominal wall. 

How the abdominoplasty is done?

The surgery is done under the general anaesthesia and lasts up to about 2-5 hours. During the surgery an incision is done in the lower abdominal part that is covered by the underwear, therefore the cut remains invisible even if you wear bikini. Usually abdominoplasty is combined with liposuction from the waist area,which even more emphasizes your wait . During the abdominoplasty a separation of abdominal muscles (diastasis in females after pregnancy) can be corrected. 

Abdominoplasty can be of different type or combined with other plastic surgeries.

  • A mini abdominal plastic surgery (involving a horizontal incision, when the umbilicus remains uncorrected);
  • A complete abdominoplasty (involving a horizontal incision and formation of a new umbilicus);
  • Abdominoplasty “Fleur-de-Lis” (usually is applied after obesity involving a vertical incision);
  • A combined plastic surgery “Mommy Makeover” (abdominoplasty, breast correction, liposuction);
  • A combined abdominoplasty with a diastasis correction.

The best option of plastic surgery is chosen after the consultation and examination.

Post-surgical period and care

After the surgery you will have to stay in our clinic for at least 1–2 days under supervision of our medical personnel. Just after the surgery you will have to wear continually a special compressive garment, which will support healing and reduce swelling. You can take it off only in a shower. 

The patient return back to their sedentary work after 2-3weeks, after complete healing of the tissues, when they feel better. Any physical activities should be avoided for 2-3 month after the surgery. A scar fades away gradually and it colour becomes similar to that of a surrounding skin.


Woman’s waist and the whole abdominal region look very pretty and proportionally to a whole body, the abdomen is flat and even. If lady doe not plan to have more babies or gain some weight, she can enjoy the abdominoplasty results lifelong. Changes can occur as a result of significant weight variation, pregnancy and, of course, a process of natural ageing resulting in reduced skin elasticity. 


Tummy tuck

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Mini tummy tuck

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Tummy tuck „Fleur de lis“

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Extended tummy tuck

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January 24, 2023

„NEWMAN Clinic“ plastikos chirurgas apie pokyčius po gimdymo: „Apsilankymas pas specialistą gali sugrąžinti pasitikėjimą savimi“

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