Aesthetic botulinum toxin injections

image of the treatment
Surgery time:
30-40 min
Hospital (stay):
Healing period:
Local anaesthesia

Even if you consider yourself a person who doesn’t move their facial muscles to express feelings and moods much, everyone’s facial muscles move every day – when smiling, laughing, thinking or surprised. Over the years, the constant contraction of muscles and the natural ageing process cause wrinkles to form in the facial skin.  We offer aesthetic botulinum toxin injections in our clinic to slow down their deepening and reduce the appearance of existing wrinkles. 

How does botulinum toxin work?

Botulinum toxin injections are a minimally invasive aesthetic procedure for the treatment and prevention of facial expression lines. Botulinum toxin is injected into the muscle, where it temporarily blocks the interaction between the nerve ending and the muscle. This results in a weakening of muscle contraction. As a result, wrinkles disappear or become less visible. 

When can I start these procedures?

Botulinum toxin is an amazing wrinkle-prevention treatment. If you are prone to mimic (move your facial muscles) a lot, if your skin is dry or dehydrated so that wrinkles (such as horizontal lines in the forehead) do not become prominent even without facial mimicry, you can opt for these treatments as early as 25 years of age. 

Over the years, at the age of 30-35, women start to notice more wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, vertical forehead lines, and, for smokers, wrinkles around the lips. Regular injections of botulinum toxin will help relax facial features and maintain a youthful appearance. 

How long does the effect of the procedure last?

The drug starts to work after a few days, with the maximum effect observed after 2 weeks, and the effect lasts on average 4-6 months. 

The procedure is quick, painless and requires no specific preparation. The highlight of these injections is not even the drug itself – it is the expertise of the doctor injecting the botulinum toxin that is of great importance. Karolis Černauskis, a doctor at NEWMAN Aesthetic Clinic, will ensure that your procedure’s result is subtle and preserves your natural facial features. 


Horizontal forehead wrinkles

From  80-130 Eur

The area between the eyes ( frown lines)

From  80-130 Eur

The area around the eyes (lateral canthal lines)

From  80-130 Eur


January 24, 2023

„NEWMAN Clinic“ plastikos chirurgas apie pokyčius po gimdymo: „Apsilankymas pas specialistą gali sugrąžinti pasitikėjimą savimi“

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